The NCURA Region 6 Site Selection Committee Seeks Your Feedback!
The NCURA Region 6 Site Selection Committee is seeking feedback from all Region 6 members for planning of future regional meetings for the year 2023 and beyond.
The Site Selection Committee endeavors to make regional meeting decisions that meet the collective needs and interests of its members, and solicits feedback for:
continued interest in regional meetings being held virtually, in-person, or hybrid (both in-person and accessible virtually) format, and
considerations to prioritize for future regional meeting locations and venues.
As background, both the 2020 and 2021 regional meetings are to be held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing social distancing measures that continue to be in place. Additionally, the 2022 meeting will be held in Tucson, Arizona, at the JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort and Spa, which was rescheduled from the 2020 year.
Please complete the survey by clicking here