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Distinguished Service


The nominee(s) for this award shall have made a meritorious contribution to the NCURA Region VI. Individuals and groups are eligible. The following criteria will be used in considering individuals and/or groups for this award. To be considered for this award, nominees must:


  • Be a current or past member of Region VI. In the case of group efforts, at least one of the nominees must be a Region VI member at the time of the activity(ies) that are being recognized;

  • Have made a contribution or contributions to Region VI activities that are especially commendable or praiseworthy. This can be evidenced through special service to NCURA Region VI, through activities such as development and implementation of an innovative program to enhance the conduct of regional activities, programs or business; the creation of research administration tools, or sustained support for regional or national activities, or service to the region.


Self-nominations are encouraged. In all instances, the nomination must include separate letters of endorsement from two current NCURA Region VI members.


Nominations must be completed and submitted online within the submission period via the NCURA Region VI recognition award nomination form.


See the past Meritorious Contribution Award Recipients

Meritorious Contribution


This award was named in memory of Helen Carrier, in recognition of her contributions to research administration in general, and specifically to NCURA. The following criteria will be used in considering individuals for this award. To be considered for this award, nominees must:


  • Be a member of Region VI at the time of nomination;

  • Have at least ten years of experience in the research administration field; and

  • Present evidence of significant continuing and long-term contributions to NCURA specifically, and research administration more broadly. This can be documented through activities such as service as an NCURA officer and/or a Committee Chair in the region and/or at the national level, making research administration-focused presentations within the field, presenting workshops either in conjunction with NCURA or within other professional forums (such as FDP, COGR, invited meetings, etc.), conducting peer reviews, serving as faculty at professional development training, and/or publishing articles on research administration.


Nominations must be completed and submitted online within the submission period via the NCURA Region VI recognition award nomination form.


See the past Helen Carrier Distinguished Service Award Recipients


This award was established in memory of Barry Dorfman. Having made a mid-life career change, Barry was fairly new to the field of research administration and to NCURA, but brought a wealth of prior experience and enthusiasm to his contributions to the organization. This award is intended to honor individuals who, like Barry, quickly became active and valued members of Region VI. The following criteria will be used in considering individuals for this award. To be considered for this award, nominees must:


  • Be a current member of NCURA Region VI,

  • Have no more than five (5) years of research administration experience,

  • Have demonstrated a quick willingness to offer their abilities, time, energies, creativity, commitment and enthusiasm to NCURA as demonstrated through involvement with NCURA, and

  • Have served the Region in a leadership or volunteer capacity, including but not limited to: participated on a regional and/or national NCURA Committee (including the Regional Advisory Committee), served as an officer at the regional or national level, made presentations and/or served on panels at regional or national meetings, made contributions in ways that helped improve Region VI (committees, volunteering, technology or other support)


Nominations must be completed and submitted online within the submission period via the NCURA Region VI recognition award nomination form.


See the past Barry Dorfman Outstanding New Research Administrator Award Recipients

New RA


Named after its first recipient, the Linda W. Patton Emeritus Award was created to recognize those who have contributed to the success, growth, and visibility of NCURA through committee work, programming, outreach, and governance. The award intends to recognize those who work behind the scenes for NCURA, as well as those who have been honored by election to office or committee chair assignment. To be considered for this award, nominees must:


  • Be retired from research administration;

  • Have been a NCURA member for a minimum of 10 years, not necessarily consecutive, years; and

  • Have made a significant and substantial contribution to NCURA during their archival career.


Nominations must be completed and submitted online within the submission period via the NCURA Region VI recognition award nomination form.


See the past Linda W. Patton Emeritus Award Recipients


Lisa Wottrich (2023)

SRI International


Csilla Csaplár (2020)

Stanford University


Rosemary Madnick (2018)

University of Alaska - Fairbanks


Michiko Taniguchi Pane (2016)

Stanford University


Samantha Westcott (2015)

California Institute of Technology

Kevin Stewart

University of California, Santa Barbara (2022)


Georgette Sakumoto (2019)

University of Hawaii


Nancy Lewis (2017)

University of California, Irvine


Bruce Morgan (2015)

University of California, Irvine


G. Maggie Griscavage (2011)

University of Alaska - Fairbanks


Past HKDSA Winners

Website Development Team (2019)

Kevin Stewart (University of California, Santa Barbara), Amanda Snyder (University of Washington), Diana Vigil (University of California, Irvine), Erika Blossom (University of California, Irvine), Laura Register (Stanford University), Mara Rivet (University of Washington)


Social Media Team (2018)

Michiko Taniguchi Pane (Stanford University), Laura Register (Stanford University), Megan Dietrich (Stanford University)


Washington State Tech Team (2017)

Dan Nordquist, Darren Bystrom, Derek Brown, Shawn Clabough, Monte Sutton


Derick Jones (2015)

Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute


Website Database Development Team (2010)

Monte Sutton (Washington State University), Dan Nordquist (Washington State University), Dean Webster (Washington State University), T.C. Sutton (Washington State University)


Past MCA Winners

Nicole Joyce (2018)

University of California, San Diego

Past BDONRAA Recipients

Julie Guggino (2018)

Central Washington University


Linda W. Patton (2015)

California State University - Fullerton


Chris Hansen (2016)

University of California, Irvine

Past LWPEA Recipients

 ©2025 NCURA Region VI

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