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2014 and Older Archives


Special election for the 2015 Chair-Elect/2016 Chair

As many of you may already be aware, Randi Wasik, our 2015 Chair-Elect for Region VI, has decided to pursue an exciting career opportunity that has unfortunately taken her beyond the borders of our region, so we are holding a special election to fill this position. The Region VI Nominating Committee has identified the following candidates for the special election to choose a new 2015 Chair-Elect/2016 Chair:


Derick Jones, Los Angeles Biomedical Center Joseph McNicholas, Loyola Marymount University

The candidates’ CVs and statements are available for your review here:

Access to the electronic ballot is located via the link in an email that will be sent from NCURA during the week of 2/2-2/6/2015. You may cast one vote for the position. Once the email is sent, the electronic polls will be open, and will close at 5:00 pm EST on Friday, February 20, 2015. You have the opportunity to select the leader for this important position, and the individual elected will be instrumental in helping to shape the direction of Region VI. YOUR VOTE COUNTS!

Many thanks to our candidates and to you for participating!

If you have any problems accessing the ballot or misplace the email containing the survey link, please contact Chris Hansen at


Call for Nominations!

Dear Region VI Members,

This year, our region will be holding elections for five regional leadership positions—Chair-Elect, Secretary-Elect, Treasurer-Elect, Regional Advisory Committee At-Large member, and Region VI Representative to the NCURA National Board of Directors. We are looking for fantastic regional volunteers and leaders to fill each of these roles!

Each of the officer-elect positions involves a two-year commitment, comprised of one year in the elect position (e.g. secretary-elect, treasurer-elect or chair-elect) and the following year as the incumbent. In addition, the Chair position includes a third year as Immediate Past Chair following service as Chair. Regional Advisory Committee members and the National Board member serve for two years. Descriptions for each position can be found below. Please consider nominating yourself or a qualified colleague who would be willing to serve the region in one of these open positions. The nomination form can be found online here: The closing date for nominations is Friday, May 9, 2014.

Thank you on behalf of the Region VI Nominating Committee!

Csilla Csaplár (Stanford University) Kim Eudy (University of Southern California) Julie Guggino (Central Washington University) Joseph McNicholas (Loyola Marymount University) Gale Yamada (University of Hawaii).


Regional Chair

The Regional Chair serves Region VI as its chief executive officer for a period of one year, beginning January 1 of the year following election, and reports to the membership and the National Board of Directors. The Region VI Chair shall be responsible for planning the regional meeting each year, calling meetings, establishing ad hoc committees, appointing committee members, and performing other duties as required in directing the activities of the region.

The Region VI and VII Chairs shall share joint responsibility for planning the regional meeting, including all logistics such as site selection, negotiation of the hotel/conference center contract, and developing the meeting program.

The Regional Chair, at the conclusion of the term of office, shall serve as Immediate Past Chair on the Regional Advisory Committee.


The Chair-Elect serves Region VI for a period of one year, beginning January 1 of the year following election, and shall assume the duties of the Regional Chair in his/her absence. The Chair-Elect reports to the Region VI Chair. The Chair-Elect shall assume the office of Regional Chair at the expiration of the Chair-Elect's term of office, or upon the death, recall, or resignation of the Regional Chair.

The Chair-Elect shall assist the Regional Chair, as requested, in directing the activities of the region.


The Secretary serves Region VI for a period of one year, beginning January 1 of the year following election, and shall report to the Region VI Chair. The Secretary shall be responsible for taking and distributing minutes of regional business meetings, maintaining the official membership roster of the region, and making appropriate reports at regional meetings. The Secretary will also be responsible for assisting with Regional Meeting logistics.


The Secretary-Elect shall serve the Region for one year beginning January 1 of the year following election, and shall report to the Regional Secretary. The Secretary-Elect shall assist the Regional Secretary, as requested, in fulfilling his/her responsibilities so as to ensure continuity and a smooth transition to the position of Region VI Secretary the following year, beginning January 1.


The Treasurer serves Region VI for a period of one year, beginning January 1 of the year following election, and shall report to the Region VI Chair. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the financial records of the region including the collection, depositing and disbursing regional funds, preparing the region's annual budget for the incoming Treasurer, and making appropriate reports at regional meetings. The budget period will coincide with the Regional Chair's term of office (January 1 through December 31). The Treasurer shall also be responsible for the preparation of the annual financial reports and submission to the NCURA National office, as well as for assisting with Regional Meeting logistics.

The Treasurer shall confer with the Regional Chair and Regional Advisory Committee about the investment of funds when applicable, and the development or modification of fiscal policies and plans. The Treasurer will follow the national guidelines as outlined in the Regional Treasurer's Quick Financial Handbook.


The Treasurer-Elect shall serve the Region for one year beginning January 1 of the year following election, and shall report to the Regional Treasurer. The Treasurer-Elect shall assist the Regional Treasurer, as requested, in fulfilling his/her responsibilities so as to ensure continuity and a smooth transition to the position of Region VI Treasurer the following year, beginning January 1.

Regional Advisory Committee Member

The Advisory Committee shall consist of eleven members in good standing of the Region. The Regional Chair shall serve as Chair of the Advisory Committee. The Committee shall advise the chair on regional business, develop strategies for regional activities, evaluate regional issues, and serve as a general sounding board for the chair and the membership. Every year, one member will be elected by the Region membership and one member will be appointed by the Region Chair. All members will serve two-year terms beginning January 1 of the year following election. Members are eligible for reappointment or re-election to successive terms without restriction. If an elected member is unable to complete the full term of office, the Chair may appoint a member for the remainder of the term, with the concurrence of a majority of the Advisory Committee.

National Board of Directors member

Region VI shall elect one representative member to the National Board of Directors, for a two-year term to begin on January 1 in odd-numbered years. The National Board of Directors member will represent Region VI and participate in National Board of Directors meetings and activities.

The National Board of Directors shall have, but not be limited to, the following functions:

(a) Serve as the governing body of the Council; (b) Providing advice and counsel in preparing, planning, and presenting the Annual meeting of the Council; (c) Filling vacancies in the offices of the Council between annual elections, except where otherwise provided for by Section II above. (d) Establishing and disbanding committees and other administrative groups as outlined in Section V.F. of the by-laws.


Call for Travel Award Nominations


Region VI will be supporting up to four (4) travel awards of $750 to offset the cost of attendance at the NCURA 56th Annual Meeting, which is to be held August 10 – 13, 2014 in Washington, DC.  Each award is intended to assist with registration, hotel, meal, and/or transportation costs associated with meeting attendance.

Applications for a travel award for the 56th Annual Meeting (AM56) are now being accepted.  The deadline for receipt of applications is FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2014.

Eligibility Criteria:

Applicants must be research administrators from within the Region VI geographic area (AK, CA, HI, NV, OR, and WA). Applicants need not be members of NCURA in order to apply for or to be awarded a Region VI Travel Award.Applicants must not have previously attended an NCURA-sponsored meeting or conference. Participation in NCURA training courses (e.g., Fundamentals of Sponsored Projects Administration Workshop) or NCURA web seminars does not preclude eligibility.Applicant’s Statement of Merit and Letter(s) of Support must demonstrate both the potential benefit of the award and the individual/institutional need for travel assistance.The Applicant’s Statement of Merit and/or the Letter(s) of Support must demonstrate that the applicant has secured their manager or supervisor's approval to attend the meeting.Should the cost of attendance exceed the amount of the award, the application and/or the support letter(s) must confirm that the awardee or the awardee’s home institution will cover the balance.

How to Apply:

Applications must be completed and submitted online via the NCURA Region VI Travel Award application form, found at

The individual applying for the Travel Award is expected to complete and submit the application form. The application must be accompanied by at least one letter of support and the applicant’s résumé. The letter of support must be provided by someone at the nominee's institution, ideally a supervisor or someone who can authorize meeting attendance. The letter(s) of support and résumé should be uploaded into the online application form prior to its submission.

Selection Considerations:

Selection of the awardees will be determined by the Regional Award Committee, based on perceived need and potential benefit to the applicant and the applicant’s institution. The Committee's decisions will be final. Selection criteria used by the Committee include:

* Benefit of attendance * Candidate's contribution to his/her organization, and ability to add value to organization if able to attend the meeting * Relevant experience of the candidate * Strength and applicability of support letter(s). (Please note that specificity to the applicant is encouraged, and template support letters are discouraged.) * Reasons why the applicant's institution could not support the applicant's attendance at the meeting in the absence of a travel award.

 Questions?  Contact Mich Pane (Chair, Region VI Awards Committee) at

The travel awards for the 56th Annual Meeting will be announced by Friday, April 18, 2014.


Call for Sessions and Workshop Topics

Although it may seem like next October is a long ways away, your program committee for regions 6 and 7 have started “Taking a Chance” on putting together the excellent programming you expect from NCURA.  So, in order to better meet your needs and expectations we would like to put out a call for sessions and workshop topics.  We have 7 program tracks established for sessions:

Professional Development


Compliance and Ethics

Sponsors and Agencies

Post Award

Pre Award

Sponsored Program Administration & Operations

We have time for 54 sessions, we really need your voices to tell us what you would like and if you suggest a topic, that doesn’t mean that you are the person responsible for presenting, so don’t be afraid to speak


Our time for workshops allows for 6-14 slots so let’s get thinking about what topics will take more time and

truly we could probably talk about the new Uniform Guidance for Grant Reform for days, but there are other

important topics to address as well.

Please send your ideas to by March 28th to ensure that it gets included in the programming.

We are very excited to be working collaboratively on this meeting and are hoping that it can be the best one yet!  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either one of us.

Samantha Westcott, Chair, Region VI

Leslie Schmidt, Chair, Region VII


Call for Travel Award Applications

Applications for a travel award for the 2014 Pre-Award Research Administration (PRA) Conference and the 2014 Financial Research Administration (FRA) Conference are now being accepted.  Region VI will be supporting up to two (2) travel awards of $500 to offset the cost of attendance at the NCURA FRA Conference, to be held March 15 – 17, 2014, and up to two (2) travel awards of $500 to offset the cost of attendance at the NCURA PRA Conference, to be held March 18 – 20, 2014 both in San Francisco, CA.  Each award is intended to assist with the travel costs associated with meeting attendance.

The deadline for receipt of applications and nominations is WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8th, 2014.

Please share this information with any eligible individuals who might be interested!

Click here for more information.


2013 Region VI Election Results

Congratulations to the following individuals who will assume their respective positions in 2014!

Chair-elect: Melissa Mullen, California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo

Secretary-elect: Matthew Kirk, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Treasurer-elect: Samantha Aleshire, University of Alaska – Fairbanks

Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) elected member: Julie Guggino, Central Washington University


Fall 2014 Region VI and VII Meeting

October 5-8, 2014 Grand Sierra Resort Reno, NV

Please visit the Meetings Schedule page of this website for more information


NCURA 55th Annual Meeting

August 4-7, 2013 in Washington, DC

Click here to read the Region VI Welcome Letter to members. See the Region VI schedule of events and learn how to volunteer at the Annual Meeting! Events include:

LEAD Me Presentations

Nightly Hospitality Suites

Hosting the International Region on Monday night

Informational Meeting for the 2014 Regional Meeting

Regional Business Meeting

New Member Reception


2013 Region VI Election Candidate Statements

June, 2013

Click here for details.


2012 Region VI Election Results

Chair Elect: Samantha Westcott, Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Treasurer-Elect: Sharon Elenbaas, Loyola Marymount University

Secretary-Elect: Derick Jones, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Member of the Regional Advisory Committee (RAC): Csilla Csaplar, Stanford University

Regionally-elected Member of the NCURA National Board of Directors: Bruce Morgan, University of California-Irvine


NCURA Region VI/VII's Program and Meeting Volunteer Website


2012 Region VI Election Candidate Statements


10/21/2011: Region VI Election Results

Chair-Elect: Katherine Ho, Stanford University

Regional Advisory Committee Member: Steven Lichtenstein, Cedars Sinai Medical Center

Secretary-Elect: Sinnamon Tierney, Portland State University

Treasurer Elect: Tim Mildren, Washington State University


2011 Region VI Election Candidate Statements



Region VI will be supporting up to four (4) travel awards of $750 to offset the cost of attendance at the NCURA 53rd Annual Meeting, to be held November 6th – 9th, 2011 in Washington, DC.

Each award is intended to assist with registration, hotel, meal, and/or transportation costs associated with meeting attendance.

Applications for a travel award for the 53rd Annual Meeting (AM53) are now being accepted.

The deadline for receipt of applications is FRIDAY, AUGUST 26TH, 2011.

Eligibility Criteria:

1. Applicants must be research administrators from within the Region VI geographic area (AK, CA, HI, NV, OR, and WA). Applicants need not be members of NCURA in order to apply for or to be awarded a Region VI Travel Award.

2. Applicants must not have previously attended an NCURA-sponsored meeting or conference. Participation in NCURA training courses (e.g. Fundamentals of Sponsored Projects Administration Workshop) or NCURA web seminars does not preclude eligibility.

3. Applications and support letters must demonstrate both the potential benefit of the award and the individual/institutional need for travel assistance.

4. The application and/or the support letter(s) must demonstrate that the applicant has secured their manager or supervisor's approval to attend the meeting.

5. Should the cost of attendance exceed the amount of the award, the application and/or the support letter(s) must confirm that the awardee or the awardee’s home institution will cover the balance.

How to Apply:

Applications must be completed and submitted online via the NCURA Region VI Travel Award application form, found at

The individual applying for the Travel Award is expected to complete and submit the application form. The application must be accompanied by at least one letter of support and the applicant’s résumé. The letter of support must be provided by someone at the nominee's institution, ideally a supervisor or someone who can authorize meeting attendance. The letter(s) of support and résumé should be uploaded into the online application form prior to its submission.

Selection Considerations:

Selection of the awardees will be determined by the Regional Award Committee, based on perceived need and potential benefit to the applicant and the applicant’s institution. The Committee's decisions will be final. Selection criteria used by the Committee include:

* Benefit of attendance * Candidate's contribution to his/her organization, and ability to add value to organization if able to attend the meeting * Relevant experience of the candidate * Strength and applicability of support letter(s). (Please note that specificity to the applicant is encouraged, and template support letters are discouraged.) * Reasons why the applicant's institution could not support the applicant's attendance at the meeting in the absence of a travel award.

The travel awards for the 53RD Annual Meeting will be announced by Friday, September 16th, 2011 to permit awardees sufficient time to register and make hotel and travel arrangements.



Region VI will be supporting up to two (2) travel awards of $500 to offset the cost of attendance at the NCURA Pre-Award Research Administration (PRA) Conference, to be held July 24th – 26th in Chicago, Illinois.

Each award is intended to assist with registration, hotel, meal, and/or transportation costs associated with meeting attendance. Applications for a travel award for the Pre-Award Research Administration (PRA) Conference are now being accepted.

The deadline for receipt of applications is FRIDAY, JUNE 24TH, 2011.

Eligibility Criteria:

1. Applicants must be research administrators from within the Region VI geographic area (AK, CA, HI, NV, OR, and WA). Applicants need not be members of NCURA in order to apply for or to be awarded a Region VI Travel Award. 2. Applicants must not have previously attended an NCURA-sponsored meeting or conference. Participation in NCURA training courses (e.g. Fundamentals of Sponsored Projects Administration Workshop) or NCURA web seminars does not preclude eligibility. 3. Applications and support letters must demonstrate both the potential benefit of the award and the individual/institutional need for travel assistance. 4. The application and/or the support letter(s) must demonstrate that the applicant has secured their manager or supervisor's approval to attend the meeting. 5. Should the cost of attendance exceed the amount of the award, the application and/or the support letter(s) must confirm that the awardee or the awardee’s home institution will cover the balance.

How to Apply:

Applications must be completed and submitted online via the NCURA Region VI Travel Award application form, found at

The individual applying for the Travel Award is expected to complete and submit the application form. The application must be accompanied by at least one letter of support and the applicant’s résumé. The letter of support must be provided by someone at the nominee's institution, ideally a supervisor or someone who can authorize meeting attendance. The letter(s) of support and résumé should be uploaded into the online application form prior to its submission.

Selection Considerations:

Selection of the awardees will be determined by the Regional Award Committee, based on perceived need and potential benefit to the applicant and the applicant’s institution. The Committee's decisions will be final. Selection criteria used by the Committee include:

* Benefit of attendance * Candidate's contribution to his/her organization, and ability to add value to organization if able to attend the meeting * Relevant experience of the candidate * Strength and applicability of support letter(s). (Please note that specificity to the applicant is encouraged, and template support letters are discouraged.) * Reasons why the applicant's institution could not support the applicant's attendance at the meeting in the absence of a travel award.


Greetings Future and Current NCURA Volunteers!

Volunteering for NCURA is enjoyable and fulfilling. We know this because this is what current NCURA volunteers tell us. Whether you want to make new friends, expand your horizons, strengthen your resume, or just get more involved in NCURA, volunteering will be a rewarding opportunity. We believe there are dozens of reason why you should become a volunteer for NCURA. Helping others and making a difference are just two.

Registration Desk A great volunteer opportunity that will provide networking opportunities.  Time commitment: 2 hours Duties:

Greeting and checking in members from the registration list

Giving members their badge

Reminding members of activities

Photographer Enrich your artistic side by taking pictures of attendees and speakers during:

Social functions

Business functions

Room Monitors/Evaluation Coordinators Assist speakers and be an attendee at the same time.

Hand out evaluation sheets to attendees

Coordinate and confirm with the speakers any assistance required.Assist in counting number of attendees

Collect evaluations at the end of the session

Make sure room is comfortable and there is adequate seating

Local Liaison: Are you an expert of the local area?  This is a volunteer opportunity to assist your fellow members. Assist with information regarding:

Local transportation

Special interest regarding local attractions

Shopping, restaurant tips, etc.



Region VI will be supporting up to two (2) travel awards of $500 to offset the cost of attendance at the NCURA Financial Research Administration (FRA) 12 Conference, to be held March 4 th – 6 th , 2011 in San Diego, CA.

Each award is intended to assist with registration, hotel, meal, and/or transportation costs associated with meeting attendance.

Applications for a travel award for the Financial Research Administration (FRA) Conference are now being accepted.   The deadline for receipt of applications is FRIDAY, JANUARY 21ST, 2011

Eligibility Criteria:

1. Applicants must be research administrators from within the Region VI geographic area (AK, CA, HI, NV, OR, and WA). Applicants need not be members of NCURA in order to apply for or to be awarded a Region VI Travel Award.

2. Applicants must not have previously attended an NCURA-sponsored meeting or conference. Participation in NCURA training courses (e.g. Fundamentals of Sponsored Projects Administration Workshop) or NCURA web seminars does not preclude eligibility.

3. Applications and support letters must demonstrate both the potential benefit of the award and the individual/institutional need for travel assistance.

4. The application and/or the support letter(s) must demonstrate that the applicant has secured their manager or supervisor's approval to attend the meeting.

5. Should the cost of attendance exceed the amount of the award, the application and/or the support letter(s) must confirm that the awardee or the awardee's home institution will cover the balance.

How to Apply:

Applications must be completed and submitted online via the NCURA Region VI Travel Award application form, found at

The individual applying for the Travel Award is expected to complete and submit the application form. The application must be accompanied by at least one letter of support and the applicant's résumé. The letter of support must be provided by someone at the nominee's institution, ideally a supervisor or someone who can authorize meeting attendance. The letter(s) of support and résumé should be uploaded into the online application form prior to its submission.

Selection Considerations:

Selection of the awardees will be determined by the Regional Award Committee, based on perceived need and potential benefit to the applicant and the applicant's institution. The Committee's decisions will be final. Selection criteria used by the Committee include:

* Benefit of attendance

* Candidate's contribution to his/her organization, and ability to add value to organization if able to attend the meeting

* Relevant experience of the candidate

* Strength and applicability of support letter(s). (Please note that specificity to the applicant is encouraged, and template support letters are discouraged.)

* Reasons why the applicant's institution could not support the applicant's attendance at the meeting in the absence of a travel award.

The travel awards for the Financial Research Administration (FRA) Conference will be announced by Wednesday, February 2 nd , 2011 to permit awardees sufficient time to register and make hotel and travel arrangements.



Applications for a travel award for the 2011 Region VI/VII Meeting are now being accepted.  Region VI will be supporting up to four (4) travel awards of $500 to offset the cost of attendance at the NCURA Region VI/VII Meeting, to be held April 3 rd – 6 th , 2011 in Denver, CO.  Each award is intended to assist with registration, hotel, meal, and/or transportation costs associated with meeting attendance.

The Region is also accepting nominations for its recognition awards.

The deadline for receipt of applications and nominations is FRIDAY, JANUARY 28th , 2011.



Eligibility Criteria:

1. Applicants must be research administrators from within the Region VI geographic area (AK, CA, HI, NV, OR, and WA). Applicants need not be members of NCURA in order to apply for or to be awarded a Region VI Travel Award.

2. Applicants must not have previously attended an NCURA-sponsored meeting or conference. Participation in NCURA training courses (e.g. Fundamentals of Sponsored Projects Administration Workshop) or NCURA web seminars does not preclude eligibility.

3. Applications and support letters must demonstrate both the potential benefit of the award and the individual/institutional need for travel assistance.

4. The application and/or the support letter(s) must demonstrate that the applicant has secured their manager or supervisor's approval to attend the meeting.

5. Should the cost of attendance exceed the amount of the award, the application and/or the support letter(s) must confirm that the awardee or the awardee's home institution will cover the balance.

How to Apply:

Applications must be completed and submitted online via the NCURA Region VI Travel Award application form, found at

The individual applying for the Travel Award is expected to complete and submit the application form. The application must be accompanied by at least one letter of support and the applicant's résumé. The letter of support must be provided by someone at the nominee's institution, ideally a supervisor or someone who can authorize meeting attendance. The letter(s) of support and résumé should be uploaded into the online application form prior to its submission.

Selection Considerations:

Selection of the awardees will be determined by the Regional Award Committee, based on perceived need and potential benefit to the applicant and the applicant's institution. The Committee's decisions will be final. Selection criteria used by the Committee include:

* Benefit of attendance

* Candidate's contribution to his/her organization, and ability to add value to organization if able to attend the meeting

* Relevant experience of the candidate

* Strength and applicability of support letter(s). (Please note that specificity to the applicant is encouraged, and template support letters are discouraged.)

* Reasons why the applicant's institution could not support the applicant's attendance at the meeting in the absence of a travel award.

The travel awards for the 2011 Region VI/VII Meeting will be announced by Wednesday, February 11 th , 2011 to permit awardees sufficient time to register and make hotel and travel arrangements.



Region VI also has a Recognition Awards Program, to recognize those individuals and groups who have made special and noteworthy contributions to research administration and to NCURA Region VI.  Nominations are being accepted for the following recognition awards:

- Helen Carrier Distinguished Service Award: For an individual who has been a longstanding member of NCURA and has provided significant continuing and long-term contributions to NCURA and the field of research administration.

- Barry Dorfman Outstanding Region VI Member Award: For an individual that is fairly new to NCURA, but has quickly become an active and valued member of Region VI.

- Meritorious Contribution Award: For an individual OR a group that has made a contribution or contributions to Region VI activities that are especially commendable or praiseworthy.

Additional information about the Recognition Awards Program and the full eligibility criteria for each award can be found on the Region VI website, at .  Recipients of these awards will be recognized at the Region VI/VII Meeting in April.

How to Apply:

Nominations for the recognition awards must be completed and submitted online via the respective NCURA Region VI Award Application Form, found at

Individuals may nominate themselves or others for any of the recognition awards. Nominations should be accompanied by the endorsements as specified in the requirements for each of the awards. The endorsement letters can also be uploaded online.

Discussion Group Leaders:

We are looking for Discussion Group leaders for the following two discussion sessions for FRA12 in San Diego, CA, March 4-6, 2011:

•  Effort reporting from a pre-award stage: Tips and Tricks that work for effort reporting in the pre-award stage.

•  International Research Administration Best Practices:  The world of research administration has become more complex as more sponsored projects are conducted outside the United States. This discussion session will focus on key issues and trade-offs of international sponsored projects, including contract terms and conditions, payment, and oversight and monitoring issues.

If you or someone you could suggest is interested in any of the sessions, please let me know.

Wilma G. (Winnie) Ennenga Director, Office of Grant and Contract Services Northern Arizona University Telephone: 928-523-8319


2010 Region VI Election Results (Terms beginning 1/1/11)

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce the Region VI 2010 Election results!  Please join me in offering a warm welcome to our new leadership-elects for the Region. Their terms will begin January 1, 2011.

Chair-Elect: Rosemary Madnick, Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute

Secretary-Elect: Gale Yamada, University of Hawaii

Treasurer-Elect: Wanda Bowen, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Member of the Regional Advisory Council (RAC): Georgette Sakumoto, University of Hawaii

Regionally-elected Member of the National NCURA Board of Directors: Csilla Csaplar, Stanford University

Our congratulations to these elected candidates, and our grateful thanks to all those who submitted their names for consideration and showed their willingness to serve the Region.

You are all hugely appreciated.

Looking forward to seeing those of you who can attend NCURA National Meeting in about a month!


Secretary, Region VI


NCURA Region VI/VII Spring Meeting

The NCURA Region VI/VII Spring Meeting has been scheduled for April 3 – 6, 2011 in Denver, Colorado.  Save the date and stay tuned as we start announcing speakers and other details.

📷 📷


Membership Committee

Position: Region VI Membership and Volunteer (MV) Ambassador

Reports To: Membership and Volunteer Committee


Region VI MV Ambassadors are highly visible, prestigious volunteers who serve as Region VI's primary liaison to new members. Considered the goodwill arm of the Region, the Ambassador plays an essential role in member recruitment, communication and retention, and each Ambassador is charged with conveying member needs, questions and concerns to the Chair of the Membership and Volunteer Committee, keeping the Region in line with members' desires.

Upon their appointment, each Ambassador makes a commitment to build lasting relationships with the membership, particularly new Region VI members, in order to build a loyal, committed membership base that will continue to support, participate and invest in Region VI.

The Membership Ambassador charged with extending the hand of friendship to new and current members alike. Welcoming new members, making goodwill calls and attending (helping with) other Region VI activities/events/programs. The duties are as follows:

Welcome members at Region VI sponsored eventsEncouraging Region VI program involvement and participationPresenting new members with lapel pins – futureVisiting and recruiting new members



Region VI will be supporting up to four (4) travel awards of $750 to offset the cost of attendance at the NCURA 52nd Annual Meeting, to be held October 31st – November 3rd, 2010 in Washington, DC.

Each award is intended to assist with registration, hotel, meal, and/or transportation costs associated with meeting attendance.

Applications for a travel award for the 52nd Annual Meeting (AM52) are now being accepted.

The deadline for receipt of applications is TUESDAY, AUGUST 31st, 2010.

Eligibility Criteria:

1. Applicants must be research administrators from within the Region VI geographic area (AK, CA, HI, NV, OR, and WA). Applicants need not be members of NCURA in order to apply for or to be awarded a Region VI Travel Award.

2. Applicants must not have previously attended an NCURA-sponsored meeting or conference. Participation in NCURA training courses (e.g. Fundamentals of Sponsored Projects Administration Workshop) or NCURA web seminars does not preclude eligibility.

3. Applications and support letters must demonstrate both the potential benefit of the award and the individual/institutional need for travel assistance.

4. The application and/or the support letter(s) must demonstrate that the applicant has secured their manager or supervisor's approval to attend the meeting.

5. Should the cost of attendance exceed the amount of the award, the application and/or the support letter(s) must confirm that the awardee or the awardee's home institution will cover the balance.

How to Apply:

Applications must be completed and submitted online via the NCURA Region VI Travel Award application form, found at

The individual applying for the Travel Award is expected to complete and submit the application form. The application must be accompanied by at least one letter of support and the applicant's résumé. The letter of support must be provided by someone at the nominee's institution, ideally a supervisor or someone who can authorize meeting attendance. The letter(s) of support and résumé should be uploaded into the online application form prior to its submission.

Selection Considerations:

Selection of the awardees will be determined by the Regional Award Committee, based on perceived need and potential benefit to the applicant and the applicant's institution. The Committee's decisions will be final. Selection criteria used by the Committee include:

* Benefit of attendance

* Candidate's contribution to his/her organization, and ability to add value to organization if able to attend the meeting

* Relevant experience of the candidate

* Strength and applicability of support letter(s). (Please note that specificity to the applicant is encouraged, and template support letters are discouraged.)

* Reasons why the applicant's institution could not support the applicant's attendance at the meeting in the absence of a travel award.

The travel awards for the 52nd Annual Meeting will be announced by Wednesday, September 15th, 2010 to permit awardees sufficient time to register and make hotel and travel arrangements.


Call for Nominations

Dear Region VI Members

May 2010,

This year, our region will be holding elections for three regional officers—Chair-Elect, Secretary-Elect, Treasurer-Elect—as well one Regional Advisory Committee member and one Region VI member of the NCURA National Board of Directors.

Your Regional Nominating Committee is comprised of Virginia Anders (University of California Los Angeles), Ted Mordhorst (University of Washington) and Dick Seligman (California Institute of Technology).

Each of the officer-elect positions involves a two-year commitment; one year in the elect position (e.g. secretary-elect, treasurer-elect or chair-elect) and the following year as secretary, treasurer or chair. In addition, the chair serves as Immediate Past Chair the following year. Regional Advisory Committee members and the National Board member serve for two years. You will find a description of each position below.

We urge you to consider nominating yourself or anyone else that you feel would be qualified and willing to serve the region in one of the open positions. Here is the link to the nomination form which can be completed online: . The closing date for nominations is June 15, 2010.

Thank you on behalf of the Nomination Committee,

Virginia Anders ( )

Ted Mordhorst ( )

Richard Seligman ( )


Regional Chair

The Regional Chair serves Region VI as its chief executive officer for a period of one year, beginning January 1, and reports to the membership and the National Board of Directors. The Region VI Chair shall be responsible for planning the regional meeting each spring, calling meetings, establishing ad hoc committees, appointing committee members, and performing other duties as required in directing the activities of the region.

The Region VI and VII Chairs shall share joint responsibility for planning the regional meeting which occurs every spring. In even years, the Region VI Chair is responsible for all logistics related to the regional meeting, including site selection and negotiation of the hotel/conference center contract (and the Region VII Chair shall serve as Chair of the Program Committee). In odd years, the Region VI Chair will serve as Chair of the Program Committee for the regional meeting (and the Region VII Chair shall be responsible for all meeting logistics).

When Region VI is responsible for meeting logistics, the Regional Chair will spend a significant amount of time on meeting-related activities from the time the Chair assumes office on January 1 until the spring meeting occurs. When Region VI is responsible for the Program, the Chair should expect to spend a significant amount of time on issues related to organizing the program, and preparing the agenda.

The Regional Chair, at the conclusion of the term of office, shall serve as Immediate Past Chair on the Regional Advisory Committee.


The Chair-Elect serves Region VI for a period of one year, beginning January 1 as the second chief executive officer of the region and shall assume the duties of the Regional Chair in his/her absence. The Chair-Elect reports to the Region VI Chair. The Chair-Elect shall assume the office of Regional Chair at the expiration of the Chair-Elect's term of office, or upon the death, recall, or resignation of the Regional Chair.

The Chair-Elect shall assist the Regional Chair, as requested, in directing the activities of the region. In even years the Chair-elect will spend a significant amount of time outlining the program and identifying people to coordinate various program tracks. In odd years the Chair-Elect should expect to devote a considerable amount of time in the spring and summer to select a site and negotiate a contract for the spring meeting that will occur the following year, during his/her term of office as Region VI Chair.


The Secretary serves Region VI for a period of one year, beginning January 1 and shall report to the Region VI Chair. The Secretary shall be responsible for taking and distributing minutes of regional business meetings, and for maintaining the official membership roster of the region. Minutes of regional business shall be obtained from the outgoing Secretary and delivered to the incoming Secretary. The Secretary will make appropriate reports at regional meetings. The Secretary will also make draft minutes available for posting on the regional website soon after each regional meeting and once those minutes have been approved by the Regional membership, will finalize those minutes and make them available for posting on the regional website.

In even years when Region VI is responsible for the logistics of the spring meeting, the Secretary will be responsible for registration and preparation of meeting materials and for scheduling regional members to staff the on-site registration desk. This represents a significant commitment of time in the two to three months preceding the regional meeting and all of the Secretary's time a few days before and during the three-day meeting.


The Treasurer serves Region VI for a period of one year, beginning January 1 and shall report to the Region VI Chair. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the financial records of the region including the collection, deposit and disbursement of regional funds, and the preparation of the region's annual budget for the incoming Treasurer. The budget period will coincide with the Regional Chair's term of office (January 1 through December 31st). Regional financial records shall be obtained from the outgoing Treasurer and delivered to the incoming Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of the annual financial reports and submission to the NCURA National office.

In even years when Region VI is responsible for spring meeting logistics, the Treasurer can expect to commit a significant amount of time in the two to three months preceding the regional meeting coordinating financial commitments required to secure the meeting site.

The Treasurer shall confer with the Regional Chair and Regional Advisory Committee about the investment of funds when applicable, and the development or modification of fiscal policies and plans.

The Treasurer will make appropriate financial reports at regional meetings. The Treasurer will follow the national guidelines as outlined in the Regional Treasurer's Quick Financial Handbook.


The Secretary-Elect shall serve the Region for one year beginning January 1 and shall report to the Region Secretary. The Secretary-Elect shall assist the Regional Secretary, as requested, in fulfilling his/her responsibilities so as to ensure continuity and a smooth transition to the position of Region VI Secretary the following year, beginning January 1.


The Treasurer-Elect shall serve the Region for one year beginning January 1 and shall report to the Region Treasurer. The Treasurer-Elect shall assist the Regional Treasurer, as requested, in fulfilling his/her responsibilities so as to ensure continuity and a smooth transition to the position of Region VI Treasurer the following year, beginning January 1.

Regional Advisory Committee Member

The Advisory Committee shall consist of eleven members in good standing of the Region. The Regional Chair shall serve as Chair of the Advisory Committee. The Committee shall advise the chair on regional business, develop strategies for regional activities, evaluate regional issues, and serve as a general sounding board for the chair and the membership. Every year, one member will be elected by the Region membership and one member will be appointed by the Region Chair. All members will serve two-year terms beginning January 1. Members are eligible for reappointment or re-election to successive terms without restriction. If an elected member is unable to complete the full term of office, the Chair may appoint a member for the remainder of the term, with the concurrence of a majority of the Advisory Committee.

National Board of Directors member

Region VI shall elect members to terms that begin on January 1 in odd-numbered years,

Regional representatives may serve up to two consecutive two-year terms. Upon election, the names of those persons shall be sent to the Executive Director of the Council. Regional representatives to the Board may not serve concurrently as a regional officer. Board members elected at-large shall serve a two-year term. Two at-large members will be elected each year. The President shall be required to call a meeting of the Board whenever at least one half of the members of the Board present a written request for such a meeting. Travel expenses of members of the Board shall be borne by the Council for the mid-year and any other special session called by the President.

The National Board of Directors shall have, but not be limited to, the following functions:

(a) Serve as the governing body of the Council;

(b) Providing advice and counsel in preparing, planning, and presenting the Annual meeting of the Council; and

(c) Filling vacancies in the offices of the Council between annual elections, except where otherwise provided for by Section II above.

(d) Establishing and disbanding committees and other administrative groups as outlined in Section V.F. of the by-laws.

5. No individual may hold concurrently two positions on the Board.

6. Without Board approval, no nationally elected Board member may run for NCURA office during the first year of his/her term.

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