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Kevin Stewart

2016 Announcement Archives

Updated: Jun 21, 2019


Dear Colleagues, I am pleased to announce the Region VI 2016 Election results!  Please join me in offering a warm welcome to our new leadership-elects for the Region.  Their terms will begin January 1, 2017.

Chair-Elect:   Kevin Stewart, University of California, Santa Barbara Treasurer-Elect:   Randi Wasik, University of Washington Secretary-Elect:   Samuel Rodriguez-Flecha, Washington State University Member of the Regional Advisory Committee (RAC):   Erika Blossom, University of California, Irvine Regionally-elected Member of the NCURA National Board of Directors:   Julie Guggino, Central Washington University

Our congratulations to these elected candidates.  We are also grateful to all who submitted their names for consideration and showed their willingness to serve the Region.  You are all very much appreciated.

And thank you to the Nominating Committee, for your hard work and efforts in reviewing the nominations and managing the elections. You are greatly appreciated for your service to the region.

Allison Ramos Secretary, Region VI

Election Information for Region VI 2017 Officers-elect/2018 Officers

The Region VI Nominating and Leadership Development Committee is pleased to announce the following candidates for this year’s NCURA Region VI Election (terms of office will begin 1/1/2017):

Chair-Elect/Chair: Kevin Stewart, University of California, Santa Barbara Lisa Jordan, SRI International

Treasurer-Elect/Treasurer: Randi Wasik, University of Washington Mike Legrand, University of California, Davis

Secretary-Elect/Secretary: Theresa Caban, Kaiser Permanente Samuel Rodriquez-Flecha, Washington State University

Regional Advisory Committee At-Large Member: Ericka Blossom, University of California, Irvine Christine Van Dyke, University of California, San Francisco

NCURA Board of Directors Committee At-Large member: Derick Jones, LA BioMed Julie Guggino, Central Washington University

The candidates’ bios/CVs and statements are available for your review on the Region VI website:

Access to the electronic ballot is located via the link sent from NCURA on June 21, 2016. You may cast one vote for each position. The electronic polls are now open, and will close at 5:00 pm PDT on Thursday, July 21, 2016. You have the opportunity to select leaders for these important positions. The individuals elected will be instrumental in helping to shape the direction of Region VI --- YOUR VOTE COUNTS!

If you have any problems accessing the ballot or misplace the e-mail containing the ballot and survey link, please contact Emily Ainsworth at

Region VI Nominating and Leadership Development Committee Nancy Lewis, University of California, Irvine - Chair Kimberlee Eudy, University of Southern California Julie Guggino, Central Washington University Rosemary Madnick, University of Alaska Fairbanks Georgette Sakamoto, University of Hawaii Dan Nordquist, Washington State University

Call for Nominations


Dear Region VI Members,

This year, our region will be holding elections for five regional leadership positions—Chair-Elect, Secretary-Elect, Treasurer-Elect, Regional Advisory Committee At-Large member and National Board of Director’s Member. We are looking for dedicated and exceptional regional volunteers and leaders to fill each of these roles!

The Chair and Secretary positions involve a two year commitment comprised of one year in the elect position and the following year as the incumbent. In addition, the Chair position includes a third year as Immediate Past Chair following service as Chair. The Treasurer position involves a three year commitment comprised of one year in the elect position and two years as the incumbent. Regional Advisory Committee members and the National Board of Directors members serve for two years. Descriptions for each position can be found below.

Please consider nominating yourself or a qualified colleague who would be willing to serve the region in one of these open positions. The nomination form can be found online here: .

The closing date for nominations is Monday, May 23, 2016.

Thank you on behalf of the Region VI Nominating Committee! Nancy Lewis (University of California, Irvine) Kim Eudy (University of Southern California) Julie Guggino (Central Washington University) Rosemary Madnick (University of Alaska Fairbanks) Georgette Sakamoto (University of Hawaii) Dan Nordquist (Washington State University) ******************************* Regional Chair

The Regional Chair serves Region VI as its chief executive officer for a period of one year, beginning January 1 of the year following election, and reports to the membership and the National Board of Directors. The Region VI Chair shall be responsible for planning the regional meeting each year, calling meetings, establishing ad hoc committees, appointing committee members, and performing other duties as required in directing the activities of the region.

The Region VI and VII Chairs shall share joint responsibility for planning the regional meeting, including all logistics such as site selection, negotiation of the hotel/conference center contract, and developing the meeting program. The Regional Chair, at the conclusion of the term of office, shall serve as Immediate Past Chair on the Regional Advisory Committee.


The Chair-Elect serves Region VI for a period of one year, beginning January 1 of the year following election, and shall assume the duties of the Regional Chair in his/her absence. The Chair-Elect reports to the Region VI Chair. The Chair-Elect shall assume the office of Regional Chair at the expiration of the Chair-Elect's term of office, or upon the death, recall, or resignation of the Regional Chair.

The Chair-Elect shall assist the Regional Chair, as requested, in directing the activities of the region.


The Secretary serves Region VI for a period of one year, beginning January 1 of the year following election, and shall report to the Region VI Chair. The Secretary shall be responsible for taking and distributing minutes of regional business meetings, maintaining the official membership roster of the region, and making appropriate reports at regional meetings. The Secretary will also be responsible for assisting with Regional Meeting logistics.


The Secretary-Elect shall serve the Region for one year beginning January 1 of the year following election, and shall report to the Regional Secretary. The Secretary-Elect shall assist the Regional Secretary, as requested, in fulfilling his/her responsibilities so as to ensure continuity and a smooth transition to the position of Region VI Secretary the following year, beginning January 1.


The Treasurer serves Region VI for a period of two years, beginning January 1 of the year following election, and shall report to the Region VI Chair. The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining the financial records of the region including the collection, depositing and disbursing regional funds, preparing the region's annual budget for the incoming Treasurer, and making appropriate reports at regional meetings. The budget period will coincide with the Regional Chair's term of office (January 1 through December 31). The Treasurer shall also be responsible for the preparation of the annual financial reports and submission to the NCURA National office, as well as for assisting with Regional Meeting logistics.

The Treasurer shall confer with the Regional Chair and Regional Advisory Committee about the investment of funds when applicable, and the development or modification of fiscal policies and plans. The Treasurer will follow the national guidelines as outlined in the Regional Treasurer's Quick Financial Handbook.


The Treasurer-Elect shall serve the Region for one year beginning January 1 of the year following election, and shall report to the Regional Treasurer. The Treasurer-Elect shall assist the Regional Treasurer, as requested, in fulfilling his/her responsibilities so as to ensure continuity and a smooth transition to the position of Region VI Treasurer the following year, beginning January 1.

Regional Advisory Committee Member 

The Advisory Committee shall consist of eleven members in good standing of the Region. The Regional Chair shall serve as Chair of the Advisory Committee. The Committee shall advise the chair on regional business, develop strategies for regional activities, evaluate regional issues, and serve as a general sounding board for the chair and the membership. Every year, one member will be elected by the Region membership and one member will be appointed by the Region Chair. All members will serve two-year terms beginning January 1 of the year following election. Members are eligible for reappointment or re-election to successive terms without restriction. If an elected member is unable to complete the full term of office, the Chair may appoint a member for the remainder of the term, with the concurrence of a majority of the Advisory Committee.

National Board of Director’s member

Serves as a member of the Board of Directors, the primary governing body of NCURA, for a period of two years beginning January 1 of the year following the election. The National Board of Directors actively supports the mission and goals of the entire organization by controlling and directing the affairs of NCURA and determining its policies. Responsibilities in this position include: Review of all minutes, reports, special studies, petitions, and other documents brought before or provided to the Board. Participation in special non-routine Board working groups as needed. Liaison with Board appointed Task Forces as assigned. Design, deliberate and approve new policies and changes to existing policies as appropriate for the mission of the Co uncil. Acts as a Liaison to the Region VI Advisory Committee and as such be responsible for reporting on activities or other issues that impact the Region.

Website for position descriptions:

NCURA Regional VI, VII, VIII, Call for Proposals - 2016 in Hawaii

October 2-5, 2016 - Grand Wailea Hotel and Restort - Maui, Hawaii

Aloha! Would you like to be a presenter at our Fall 2016 Regional Meeting? RVI, RVII and RVIII leadership invites you to submit your session or workshop proposal here:

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