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2017 Announcement Archives

Kevin Stewart

Updated: Jun 21, 2019


Applications for a travel award for the 2017 Region VI/VII Meeting are now being accepted. Region VI will be supporting up to six (6) travel awards of $600 each to offset the cost of attendance at the NCURA Region VI/VII Meeting, to be held November 5-8, 2017 in Portland, Oregon. Each award is intended to assist with the travel costs associated with meeting attendance.

The deadline for receipt of applications and nominations is FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2017.

Eligibility Criteria:

Applicants must be research administrators from within the Region VI geographic area (Alaska, California, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada, Northern Marianas Islands, Oregon, Samoa, Washington). Applicants need not be members of NCURA in order to apply for or to be awarded a Region VI Travel Award.Applicants must not have previously attended an NCURA-sponsored meeting or conference. Participation in NCURA training courses (e.g. Fundamentals of Sponsored Projects Administration Workshop) or NCURA web seminars does not preclude eligibility.Applications and support letters must demonstrate both the potential benefit of the award and the individual/institutional need for travel assistance.The application and/or the support letter(s) must demonstrate that the applicant has secured their manager's or supervisor's approval to attend the meeting.Should the cost of attendance exceed the amount of the award, the application and/or the support letter(s) must confirm that the awardee or the awardee's home institution will cover the balance.

How to Apply:

Applications must be completed and submitted online via the NCURA Region VI Travel Award application form, found at

The individual applying for the Travel Award is expected to complete and submit the application form. The application must be accompanied by at least one letter of support and the applicant's résumé. The letter of support must be provided by someone at the nominee's institution, ideally a supervisor or someone who can authorize meeting attendance. The letter(s) of support and résumé should be uploaded into the online application form prior to its submission.

Selection Considerations:

Selection of the awardees will be determined by the Regional Award Committee, based on perceived need and potential benefit to the applicant and the applicant's institution. The Committee's decisions will be final. Selection criteria used by the Committee include:

Benefit of attendance.Candidate's contribution to his/her organization, and ability to add value to the organization if able to attend the meeting.Relevant experience of the candidate.Strength and applicability of support letter(s). (Please note that specificity to the applicant is encouraged, and template support letters are discouraged.)Reasons why the applicant's institution could not support the applicant's attendance at the meeting in the absence of a travel award.

Questions? Contact Billy Gellepis (Chair, Region VI Awards Committee) at

The travel awards for the 2017 Region VI/VII Meeting are expected to be announced by September 18, 2017.


Nominations for the Helen Carrier Distinguished Service Award, the Meritorious Contribution Award, and the Barry Dorfman Outstanding Region VI Member Award are now being accepted. Awardees will be honored at the NCURA Region VI/VII/VIII Meeting, to be held November 5-8, 2017 in Portland, Oregon. Award information and nomination instructions are provided below.

The deadline for receipt of nominations is FRIDAY, September 16, 2017.

Helen Carrier Distinguished Service Award

This award was named in memory of Helen Carrier, in recognition of her contributions to research administration in general, and specifically to NCURA. The following criteria will be used in considering individuals for this award. To be considered for this award, nominees must:

Be a member of Region VI at the time of nomination;Have at least ten years of experience in the research administration field; andPresent evidence of significant continuing and long-term contributions to NCURA specifically, and research administration more broadly. This can be documented through activities such as service as an NCURA officer and/or a Committee Chair in the region and/or at the national level, making research administration-focused presentations within the field, presenting workshops either in conjunction with NCURA or within other professional forums (such as FDP, COGR, invited meetings, etc.), conducting peer reviews, serving as faculty at professional development training, and/or publishing articles on research administration.

Applications must be completed and submitted online via the NCURA Region VI Helen Carrier Distinguished Service Award nomination form found at:

Meritorious Contribution Award

The nominee(s) for this award shall have made a meritorious contribution to the NCURA Region VI. Individuals and groups are eligible. The following criteria will be used in considering individuals and/or groups for this award. To be considered for this award, nominees must:

Be a current or past member of Region VI. In the case of group efforts, at least one of the nominees must be a Region VI member at the time of the activity(ies) that are being recognized;Have made a contribution or contributions to Region VI activities that are especially commendable or praiseworthy. This can be evidenced through special service to NCURA Region VI, through activities such as development and implementation of an innovative program to enhance the conduct of regional activities, programs or business; the creation of research administration tools, or sustained support for regional or national activities, or service to the Region.

Self-nominations are encouraged. In all instances, the nomination must include separate letters of endorsement from two current NCURA Region VI members.

Applications must be completed and submitted online via the NCURA Region VI Meritorious Contribution Award nomination form found at:

Barry Dorfman Outstanding Region VI Member Award

This award was established in memory of Barry Dorfman. Having made a mid-life career change, Barry was fairly new to the field of research administration and to NCURA, but brought a wealth of prior experience to the organization. This award is intended to honor individuals who, like Barry, quickly became active and valued members of Region VI. The following criteria will be used in considering individuals for this award. To be considered for this award, nominees must:

Be a current member of NCURA Region VI,Have initially joined NCURA no more than 5 years ago,Have demonstrated a quick willingness to offer their abilities, time, energies, creativity, commitment and enthusiasm to NCURA as demonstrated through involvement with NCURA, andHave served the Region in at least two different ways, including but not limited to participation on a regional and/or national NCURA Committee (including the Regional Advisory Committee), serving as an officer at the regional or national level, participating in an NCURA meeting or workshop (at either the national or regional level) as a presenter, panelist, organizer, or moderator.

Applications must be completed and submitted online via the NCURA Region VI Barry Dorfman Outstanding Region VI Member Award nomination form found at:

Questions? Contact Billy Gellepis (Chair, Region VI Awards Committee) at

Election Information for Region VI 2018 Officers-Elect/2019 Officers

The Region VI Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the following candidates for this year’s NCURA Region VI Election (terms of office will begin 1/1/2018):

Chair-Elect/Chair: Nannette Pettis, Kaiser Permanente Southern California Amanda Snyder, University of Washington

Secretary-Elect/Secretary: Erika Blossom, University of California, Irvine Billy Gellepis, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Regional Advisory Committee Member: Paul Lekutai, University of California, Irvine Noam Pines, University of California, Berkeley

The candidates’ bios/CVs and statements are available for your review at The electronic polls are now open, and will close at 5:00 pm PDT on July 25, 2017. Please refer to the email sent by NCURA on June 26, 2017 to place your votes.

Region VI Nominating Committee Rosie Madnick, University of Alaska, Fairbanks Julie Guggino, Central Washington University Dan Nordquist, Washington State University Nancy Lewis, University of California, Irvine Kim Eudy, University of Southern California Lisa Wottrich, SRI International

NCURA REGION VI HOT TOPIC WORKSHOP: Managing Data Security - June 6th, 2017

Cybersecurity and data integrity requirements such as CUI and NIST 800-171 are the new normal in the world of research data. The aim of this workshop is to bring together the affected parties - faculty, contract and grant administration and IT professionals - for a discussion on how to efficiently facilitate research with these new priorities and requirements. This workshop will provide a regulatory overview, a discussion on creating awareness, getting buy-in, policy issues and approaches to IT security architecture. Participants will hear from a faculty panel regarding their experiences.

For more details please see the NCURA events website and consult the provided flyer.


Applications for a travel award for the 59th Annual Meeting are now being accepted. Region VI will be supporting up to two (2) travel awards of $800 each to offset the cost of attendance at the NCURA 59th Annual Meeting, to be held August 6-9, 2017 in Washington, DC. Each award is intended to assist with the travel costs associated with meeting attendance.

The deadline for receipt of applications and nominations is FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2017.
Eligibility Criteria:

Applicants must be research administrators from within the Region VI geographic area (Alaska, California, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada, Northern Marianas Islands, Oregon, Samoa, Washington). Applicants need not be members of NCURA in order to apply for or to be awarded a Region VI Travel Award.Applicants must not have previously attended an NCURA-sponsored meeting or conference. Participation in NCURA training courses (e.g. Fundamentals of Sponsored Projects Administration Workshop) or NCURA web seminars does not preclude eligibility.Applications and support letters must demonstrate both the potential benefit of the award and the individual/institutional need for travel assistance.The application and/or the support letter(s) must demonstrate that the applicant has secured their manager’s or supervisor's approval to attend the meeting.Should the cost of attendance exceed the amount of the award, the application and/or the support letter(s) must confirm that the awardee or the awardee’s home institution will cover the balance.

How to Apply:

Applications must be completed and submitted online via the NCURA Region VI Travel Award application form, found at

The individual applying for the Travel Award is expected to complete and submit the application form. The application must be accompanied by at least one letter of support and the applicant’s résumé. The letter of support must be provided by someone at the nominee's institution, ideally a supervisor or someone who can authorize meeting attendance. The letter(s) of support and résumé should be uploaded into the online application form prior to its submission.

Selection Considerations:

Selection of the awardees will be determined by the Regional Award Committee, based on perceived need and potential benefit to the applicant and the applicant’s institution. The Committee's decisions will be final. Selection criteria used by the Committee include:

Benefit of attendance.Candidate's contribution to his/her organization, and ability to add value to the organization if able to attend the meeting.Relevant experience of the candidate.Strength and applicability of support letter(s). (Please note that specificity to the applicant is encouraged, and template support letters are discouraged.)Reasons why the applicant's institution could not support the applicant's attendance at the meeting in the absence of a travel award.

Questions? Contact Billy Gellepis (Chair, Region VI Awards Committee) at

The travel awards for the 59th Annual Meeting are expected to be announced by June 5, 2017.

2017 Region VI/VII Meeting

"Navigating Research Administration: Pioneers Adjusting to Our New Future"

Dates: November 5-8, 2017 Location: Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront - Portland, OR

The Research Program Proposal date has been extended to April 14, 2017 Follow the link to submit proposals for workshops, presentations, and discussion groups, topics you would like to see, or sign up to be a co-presenter

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