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ANNOUNCEMENT | 2023 DEI - Free Webinar for NCURA Membership

Writer's picture: Sylvia CamposSylvia Campos

Updated: Oct 11, 2023


For the NCURA Membership


2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Webinars Join Our Conversation 3:00-4:30 pm Eastern Time


September 14, 2023 September 20, 2023 Using Inclusive and Affirming Using Inclusive and Affirming

Language in Higher Education (Part 1) Language in Higher Education (Part 2) NCURA Regional Discussion

LGBTQ+ people face tremendous barriers As a follow-up to Mieko Failey’s

in access to resources and in employment presentation, the SCDEI will host a

settings due to bias and discrimination. regional discussion facilitated by our

Participants will gain increased knowledge members. In today's rapidly evolving

in helping LGBTQ communities overcome higher education landscape, creating a

barriers to inclusive and affirming truly inclusive and affirming

environments. Participants will acquire the environment is paramount. Language

skills to employ best practices in the following plays a pivotal role in shaping the

areas: (1) terms associated with LGBTQ+ experiences of students, faculty, and staff

communities; (2) cultural considerations; from diverse backgrounds. This interactive

(3) the impact of oppression and privilege discussion delves deep into the power of

on LGBTQ+ people; (4) LGBTQ+ anti- language and its impact on fostering a

violence and legal issues; (5) the unique safe, equitable, and welcoming

barriers LGBTQ+ people face; and (6) LGBTQ+ atmosphere within higher education.

-specific best practices. institutions.


Part 1 ~ September 14, 2023

Our esteemed guest for this webinar is:

Mieko Failey, Esq., Director of Legal Services

The LGBTQ Center Long Beach


Part 2 ~ September 20, 2023

Continuing the Conversation NCURA Regional Discussion


National Council of University Research Administrators

(202) 466-3894 |

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