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Kevin Stewart


NCURA Region VI welcomes member interest in serving on one (or more!) of our volunteer committees for the 2023 year.

Whether you are interested in a tangible volunteer opportunity to demonstrate and/or grow a skill, to meet and interact with research administration peers, and/or to support regional activities, NCURA Region VI encourages you to consider applying for a role on one or more of our volunteer committees.

Demonstrate or grow a skill!

Meet and interact with research administration peers!

Support regional activities & members!

Members will need to commit to a role for the full 2023 year, and must be current Region VI members in good standing.

Members are encouraged to submit their interest in volunteering for any of the following committee positions:

  • Awards & Recognition Committee (Up to 2 hours quarterly)

The Awards & Recognition Committee is responsible for the Region VI volunteer recognition program and travel awards given by Region VI to support attendance at various NCURA meetings and conferences. The purpose of the Award & Recognition Program is to enhance professional development, and to recognize those individuals and groups who have made special and noteworthy contributions to research administration and to NCURA Region VI.

  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee (2 hours per month)

The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee was created in 2021 with a charge to identify regional needs and gaps in modeling and implementing inclusivity throughout all regional activities following the guidance provided by NCURA’s National Select Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Regional leadership expects that DE&I will at minimum impact our professional development offerings, educational opportunities, membership and volunteer recruitment, and awards.

  • Education & Professional Development Committee (Varies; up to 2-4 hours per month)

The Education & Professional Development Committee (EPDC) is responsible for identifying, creating and administering educational and professional development opportunities for Region VI research administrators, and for the administration of the LeadMe professional mentorship program. The LeadMe Program Chairs are members of the EPDC.

  • Marketing & Communications Committee

The Marketing & Communications Committee was created in 2021 to manage and facilitate internal and external Region VI communication and the overall Region VI brand. Committee responsibilities include the maintenance of the Region VI website and Region VI profiles on social media platforms.

  • Digital Engagement Volunteer – Web Editor (Varies; up to 3-4 hours per month)

Responsible for routine and minor maintenance and updates to the Region VI website. One position focuses on updates throughout the year (e.g. Announcements, in coordination w/ Social Media Volunteers), the other position focuses on the yearly regional meeting page & other miscellaneous updates.

  • Digital Engagement Volunteer – Social Media (Varies; up to 2-3 hours per month)

Responsible for posting announcements and other activities on the respective social media outlet on behalf of Region 6. One member is lead for each of the NCURA Region VI Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts.

  • Design & Branding Volunteer (Varies; from 0-4 hours per month)

Responsible for creation, design, and enhancement of marketing and communication materials for Region VI, including various R6 templates, for regional activities and initiatives.

  • Membership & Volunteer Committee

The Membership & Volunteer Committee is lead for responsibilities including to welcome, facilitate, recruit and engage the membership in its participation of regional activities through a mix of advisory and hands-on work.

  • Meetings Volunteer (Varies; see description)

Responsible for logistics related to regional meetings and the Regional Connection at the National Annual Meeting. Time commitment builds up to the event. This position does not require meeting attendance. Examples of tasks include: create online volunteer signups; create and copy meeting flyers and other documents; create volunteer recognition; coordinate volunteer schedules and activities.

  • Membership & Outreach Volunteer (Up to 1-3 hours per month)

Responsible for engaging new members, coordinating and implementing outreach activities, promoting volunteer opportunities to new and existing members.

  • Nomination & Elections Committee (1-2 hours per month, primarily in March - July)

The Nominating & Elections Committee is responsible for managing the nominations and elections process for Region VI’s regional and national leadership positions. The Committee identifies, recruits, and verifies candidates, confirms their willingness to serve, certifies the slate of candidates for each position, and facilitates the election process.


Positions are open to all NCURA Region VI members. Prior experience is not required for any of the positions, but members with interest and/or experience in a specific area of responsibility (whether in their research administration role, or as an outside activity) are particularly encouraged to apply.

Please complete and submit your application here no later than Wednesday, November 30, 2022.

If any questions, please contact Kevin Stewart, Communications & Marketing Committee Chair, at

** Note: Please keep watch for the separate upcoming call for the 2023 cohort of the LeadMe Program**


NCURA Diversity and Inclusion Statement

The National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) recognizes, values, and celebrates diversity of persons, skills, and experiences in its mission to advance the profession of research administration. Thus, NCURA is committed to building and maintaining a diverse membership and a culture of inclusion. Every member of NCURA has a right, without regard to gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, social class, sexual orientation, ability, personality, functional experience, or background, to fair and respectful treatment, equal access to resources to support professional growth, and equitable opportunities to contribute to NCURA’s success.

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