LeadMe Program Mentee, Mentor, MINT Applicants Invited
Are you ready to discover your “Superpower for Leadership”? Let your leadership journey begin by applying for the Lead Me program this year!
The LeadMe Program is entering its 12th year of preparing Research Administrators for leadership positions in NCURA as well as at their home institutions. We invite your participation as a LeadMe Program Mentee, Mentor-in-Training (MINT), or Mentor in 2021 co-hort. Application forms can be found at: https://www.ncuraregionvi.org/leadmeprogram under “Resources and Forms”. The deadline for submission of applications and support material is Monday, December 28, 2020.
The LeadMe program will hold a virtual information session on Tuesday, December 15th at 2pmPST/3pmMT to 3:30pm PST/4:30pmMT. During the session, we will provide an overview of the LeadMe program and will answer your questions.
Zoom information for the session is as follows:
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87235210627?pwd=VktEay9KR2dxZUdMTk92UldxZUpFZz09
Meeting ID: 872 3521 0627
Passcode: NCURAR6
Information about the program’s goals and objectives, mentee, mentor, MINT expectations, participant presentations, and program activities and expectations can be found at: https://www.ncuraregionvi.org/leadmeprogram
Derick Jones, LeadMe Chair
Nancy Lewis, LeadMe Co-Chair
