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Call for Applications | 2021 FRA & PRA Meeting Travel Awards





Applications for a Region VI travel award for the 2021 NCURA FRA and PRA Meetings are now being accepted. Region VI will be supporting up to four (4) travel awards of $510 each to offset the cost of registration for the NCURA FRA or PRA Virtual Meeting, to be held March 15 - 17 and March 23 - 25, respectively. Each award is intended to assist with the travel costs associated with meeting attendance.

The deadline for receipt of applications and nominations is Wednesday, March 10, 2021.


Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Applicants must be research administrators from within the Region VI geographic area (Alaska, California, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada, Northern Marianas Islands, Oregon, Samoa, and Washington). Applicants need not be current members of NCURA in order to apply for or to be awarded a Region VI Travel Award.

  2. Applicants must not have previously attended an NCURA-sponsored meeting or conference. Participation in NCURA training courses (e.g. Fundamentals of Sponsored Projects Administration Workshop) or NCURA web seminars does not preclude eligibility.

  3. Applications and support letters must demonstrate both the potential benefit of the award and the individual/institutional need for travel assistance.

  4. The application and/or the support letter(s) must demonstrate that the applicant has secured their manager or supervisor's approval to attend the meeting.

  5. Should the cost of attendance exceed the amount of the award, the application and/or the support letter(s) must confirm that the awardee or the awardee’s home institution will cover the balance.


How to Apply:

Applications must be completed and submitted online via the NCURA Region VI Travel Award Application Form.

The individual applying for the Travel Award is expected to complete and submit the application form. The application must be accompanied by at least one letter of support and the applicant’s resume (no more than two pages). At least one letter of support must be provided by someone at the nominee's institution, ideally a supervisor or someone who can authorize meeting attendance.

Applicants will need to complete the travel award application form and separately submit their resume and letter(s) of support as attachments via e-mail to


Selection Considerations:

Selection of the awardees will be determined by the Region VI Awards Committee. The Committee's decisions will be final. Selection criteria used by the Committee include:

  • Benefit to applicant of attendance (specific educational/training/professional development needs of applicant that can be met through attendance at meeting)

  • Candidate's contribution to his/her organization, and ability to add value to organization if able to attend the meeting

  • Relevant experience of the candidate

  • Strength and applicability of support letter(s). (Please note that specificity to the applicant is encouraged, and template support letters are discouraged.)

  • Reasons why the applicant's institution could not support the applicant's attendance at the meeting in the absence of a travel award.

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