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Megan Dietrich

Call For Applications for Region VI 2024 Travel Awards | Application Deadline: May 31st 2024

Updated: May 17


Travel Awards support travel-related costs for Research Administrators from Region VI to attend the NCURA Annual Meeting or the NCURA Region VI Regional Meeting.  The awards are to help support the attendance of research administrators who would otherwise be unable to attend due to financial barriers.

Reflective of NCURA's Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), we are committed to achieving diversity of all kinds in our NCURA community, including but not limited to gender, ethnicity, experience, and institution type, and we encourage all interested to apply.


You are eligible to apply for a Region VI Travel Award if:

  • You are a Research Administrator from within the Region VI geographic area (Alaska, California, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada, Northern Marianas Islands, Oregon, Samoa, and Washington).

  • Your application describes the potential benefit of the award.

  • You submit a complete application packet, including required documentation.

  • You need not be a current member of NCURA to apply for or be awarded a Region VI Travel Award.

Award Terms

The Travel Award is intended to help defray the cost of attendance to either the Annual Meeting or Regional Meeting. After the meeting has occurred, awardees will receive funds to reimburse a portion of the travel costs, up to $1200 for the Annual Meeting and $1000 for the Regional meeting. A total of six (6) total awards are anticipated. 

Applicant agrees that if they are unable to attend the meeting, Awards may not be transferred.

Applicant agrees to submit a summary report on his/her meeting experiences to the Award and Recognition Committee within thirty (30) days of the meeting.

Applicant agrees to submit receipts for verification of travel expenses to the Award and Recognition Committee and NCURA Region VI Treasurer within thirty (30) days of the meeting.

Applicant acknowledges and agrees that Awards may not be paid unless summary reports and travel receipts are submitted.

Applicant acknowledges and agrees that as an Award recipient, they may be acknowledged formally at the selected meeting and/or on NCURA Region VI social media. 

Application Deadlines

To be considered for a Region VI 2024 Travel Award, completed applications (including all required documents) must be submitted via email to Kari Vandergust at by May 31, 2024, regardless of which meeting is preferred. 

Application Checklist

Completed applications should be submitted as single PDF packet including the following documents:

Resume: no more than two pages

☐ Approval Letter: New for 2024: Required from applicant's manager to approve travel/additional funds.  See suggested template @ 

Letter of Support: optional, but recommended

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