2023 NCURA Region VI & VII Fall Meeting
September 24-27, 2023
Beyond Your Dreams, Within Your Reach
Join us for the first Regional meeting to be held in ALASKA! We hope you can join us in beautiful Anchorage, Alaska, where you will meet Hank the moose, ride the local trolley, experience local culture, and be embraced by the amazing mountains that surround this captivating city.
If you are not able to join us in person, we are once again offering a virtual day Tuesday September 26.
Early Bird Registration ends: August 1, 2023
To Register: Click Here
Program and Details
Visit our RM2023 page at https://www.ncuraregionvi.org/rm2023 for details. A partial program will be posted in the coming month, and will continue to be updated over the summer as more sessions become finalized. Be sure to check the site for the most up-to-date information and to book your hotel reservation.
Questions? Please reach out to the meeting Chairs:
Jennifer Cory, Region VI Chair, jcory@stanford.edu
David Scarbeary-Simmons, Region VII Chair, david.simmons-1@colorado.edu